Salesforce Data Migration with Salesforce Reports & Dashboard Support

How we do it?

At Application House we help businesses with complete data migration from third party apps to salesforce, the whole process involves complete data migration, review, validation & data cleaning. As salesforce Consulting Partner we are dedicated to provide the best salesforce solutions to our customers. Leverage our transformative classic to lightning migration with guaranteed smooth transition, Zero percent downtime ensuring operational processes.

At application House we analyse the data first before proceeding for migration. We work on auditing the data quality, integrity and possible issues associated to it.

Data Cleaning and standardization are one of the key things that we follow in order to maintain data accuracy. We assist in cleansing duplicates data and standardize to ensure relevant data migration.

At Application House while mapping data we primarily focuses on field and objects mapping that helps to create a detailed data map defining how the data are being transferred from one source to another.

For ensuring smooth and secure legacy/ historical data transfers we use native salesforce data migration tools like Data Loader, API integration and other third-party integration from one source to salesforce.

Post Migration we rigorously follow and validate the information by validating the objects like account, contacts, opportunities and multiple custom objects.

Salesforce Data Migration with Salesforce Reports & dashboard Support
Helping Fortune 500 companies

over a decade in the IT industry to make the right technology investments.

Leverage the Application House Expertise to get the best out of your Business 

Why Application House
as your Data Migration Partner?
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Application House manages the scope to meet the business expectation that fit in currently available resources by managing a small team of resources to fulfill business needs for multinational Fortune 500 companies in all counties across the world.

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