
Salesforce for Banking & Finance Industry

Take a step towards a transformative Journey with best CRM for Finance Industry 

Helping businesses standout from rest of the competition in the financial sector. In order to update keep the customers updated with all the day to day updates inside the business or updating customers related to their transaction or finances.  At Application House we keep our clients on top priority and also help them achieve what the businesses aim for.

We make right fit for your business needs as Salesforce provides a very powerful platform to manage customers relationship data, automating tasks and leveraging things to make right decisions for customers.

Salesforce Financial Services cloud_AHL
Sales Process Customization​ in salesforce
Consultancy & MSP Partner specializing in Integration


Complete Personalization of finance Industry to get a comprehensive view of customers

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud has been instrumental in resolving various challenges faced by the financial services industry, enhancing efficiency, customer experience, and compliance.


Salesforce helps banks to provide a comprehensive customers data view that includes banking details like transaction history, Personal details, interests in products & services and their account engagement over multiple channels. With the help of these functionalities' banks offer personalized journeys for their customers based on their behaviours and actions.


With the Implementation of Salesforce with the Insurance Industry helps in automating the claim process that includes claims submissions to approvals including transparency with policyholders. With predictive analysing to identifying cross selling opportunities and it provides agents to manage policies and performances and also tracking leads.


Wealth Management Industries uses Salesforce for majorly viewing AI driven Insights to achieve their financial goals. It also helps to manages portfolios more effectively that consists of marketing trends & transaction history ensuring maintaining strong relationships with each client providing personalized journeys.


With salesforce implementation in the mortgage & lending industries simplification of heavy paper-works gets simplified. Salesforce helps lenders to maintain a clear communication with clients very clear and transparent resulting faster approvals and eliminating manual data entry.


Salesforce solutions helps fintech industries to scale up quickly using customer centric approach for analyzing customer behaviour and financial data, Salesforce also helps fintech to manage sensitive financial data securely as it comply with international regulations like GDPR, CCPA, maintaining trust and security.


Biggest challenges for capital markets is that these firms maintains high net worth clients and large institutional investors with diverse and complex portfolios and Salesforce helps these industry to leverage professional tracking system with managing deals more efficiently. It also provide great analytical tool to manage complex client relationships.

Switch to better efficiency today with Salesforce Solutions for your Business

Book a free consultation call today with our certified experts and get started with your Salesforce journey.

Client Testimonials

Our Customer's Experience with Application House

Client Testimonials

At Application House, our customer's success defines our success. We make sure that all engagements are carried out with end-to-end support from our consultants.

List of our
Global Clients

Having worked with Fortune 500 companies and mid-size and budding start-ups, our primary objective is to understand your business processes and provide solutions that are less complex and more effective.

*Client company names can be shared on request

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Certified Experts

Application House manages the scope to meet the business expectation that fit in currently available resources by managing a small team of resources to fulfill business needs for multinational Fortune 500 companies in all counties across the world.

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